Each year women die needlessly due to the fear of performing lifesaving CPR on them. Together we need to dispel the myths around CPR
New research* suggests that bystanders are less likely to perform CPR on women suffering cardiac arrest in public places. In the study of 39,000 cardiac arrest cases only 54% of people received CPR from bystanders – with women making up a much smaller proportion than men. This can be for several reasons – such as fear of touching a woman’s chest without consent, the stigma of using excessive force that may cause injury – or even lack of knowledge that a woman is likely to be in cardiac arrest.

The Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015 (SARAH)addresses concerns about legal liability for individuals who act in good faith to help others or benefit society. It is designed to reassure people that if they take positive action to help others, the courts will consider the context of their actions if anything goes wrong.
Find out more about The Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015 here
* Montreal Heart institute presentation to European Emergency Medicine Congress